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My name is Sofia Marincic, a Manchester (UK) based Filmmaker, Illustrator and Moving Image artist dedicated to creating original and meaningful content in every area of practice. 


From a young age I've had a deep and insatiable interest in filmmaking, in particular with editing and directing. It was this initial curiosity that led me to study Filmmaking at the Manchester School of Art, where I achieved a 1st class honours and developed a range of core skills. To my delight I was also able to apply my passion into real practice, making an array of short films in a number of genres. Throughout 3 years of study I continued to develop and refine my skills, whilst also finding my main passion for experimental documentaries and artist films. 


Aside from filmography I also have a longstanding love for drawing that stems back into early childhood, and remains greatly influenced by a jovial and innocent presentation of animals and more recently human portraits. After finishing my studies I took my passion for drawing further than just a hobby and ingenious gift-factory for family and friends, setting up a custom portrait service as well as creating my own print designs. I run this through the Instagram page @beanbug.s, and have also found that the greater emphasis on cartoon-style [maybe?] drawings has started to find its way into my films and documentaries in the form of playful hand drawn animations. 


The themes that flow heavily throughout my work are cultural identity, memory and a sense of place. I love to experiment by combining these themes with the use of analogue film and hand drawn animation, instilling the work with a real physical and evocative feel. I also find that the nostalgia you create from using archive film is extremely powerful, touching on an emotive quality that can be hard to pin down with other media. Being able to have my films shown in a variety of screenings and festivals dedicated to the art of archive made me realise this even more profoundly. Home videos play a big part in a number of my films, as they tell a visual story on their own and hold a lot of emotional value, especially when the subject matter is deeply personal. Above all, my aim throughout my entire practice is to keep things playful and unique whilst also carrying emotion and relevance in every possible step.


After graduating from the Manchester School of Art with a 1:1 I have eagerly pursued filmmaking, animation and drawing through both personal creative projects and freelance work. I am confident in directing, editing, filming and drawing, skills that I continue hone and grow every single day. Outside of my personal projects I strive to create impressive and unique work for clients in various industries, always ready to make sure that all parties are more than satisfied with the commission. 


I also absolutely love collaboration and am always looking to work with others to create new and exciting pieces of work. You just cannot beat the process of turning a collaborative idea into a physical piece of moving image or installation work – I love it! 

Additionally, I enjoy a challenge and love to learn, so I am always open to discussing new ideas for film or installations. 

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